
13 years long married life of bollywood superstar Hritik and his wife Sujan has now come to an end. A model couple for most of the people in bollywood after all, shattered into pieces. With this break the future of their two sons is in confusion as the custody of two kids is yet to be decided. Hritik and Sujan did not condemn each other in their separation. They did not use any abusive words. 

Neither Hritik spoke anything against Sujan nor Sujan used any cheap words against Hritik. The issue here is the seriousness that they showed in their break up not why they were separated.
Divorce is the ultimate choice for those who cannot move ahead anymore in their married life. It's a legal provision. 

But the main issue here is the question aroused by the divorce of a celebrity. Today my focus is on the course of events caused by the break up in relation of two of the renowned celebrities of Nepal Rekha Thapa and Chhabi Ojha.

Rekha-Chhabi relation was completely different from Hritik-Sujan relation in essence. Their marriage is not recorded anywhere. In this sense it won't be wrong to say it's rather just a separation more than a divorce. 

But for most of the audience, who follow a lot of things of them, it's a divorce and it is very necessary to know that trying to imitate them, lots of Rekha and Chhabi can be born in our society.

It's very strange to say that it has been our tradition to use sweet words like- my prince, honey, my baby, sweet heart and ….when together and condemn using the words which even don’t fit for animals. It may be a simple thing for a layman but won't be a suitable thing for a public figure like celebrities.

The talk-war between Rekha and Chhabi is still continue in media even after a long time of separation. But the action and reaction looks very humiliating from both the sides. Rekha and Chhabi are celebrities therefore, media will always be in search of the crux in their relation but it really doesn’t mean that they even disclose the secrets of their bed. 

Yes, of course a celebrity has a complete right of having a personal life but not to the extent that s/he is free to speak whatever they wish like not having sex relations, abhorrence in having children, like an animal, and mentally cracked.

 Why couldn't Rekha and Chhabi remain silent like Hritik and Sujan after their divorce? Their silence would have been a matter of curiosity for media and a matter of greatness for audience. But they missed it. It's very fatal to think that scandal and quarrel always promotes your movie. Cause, audience won't always crowd in the theatres just in the name of Rekha and Chhabi without knowing the truth. 

Hritik and Sujan must have had lots of differences in their opinion during the 13 years long course of life but it doesn't take long for anyone to understand their relation was more intense and serious than that of Rekha and Chhabi. But today the public including media is still wondering why they were separated, who was wrong and the reason behind their divorce.

Rekha and Chhabi have themselves reduced their craze among the fans expressing themselves in various media including social networking sites. If we believe the assumption that stars be the Gurus for audience and they follow their path, the Rekha-Chhabi divorce case and the rumor spreading form it will definitely leave a negative impact in the society.

Written by : Santosh subedi