
Life without water is completely impossible to imagine. Most of our body is occupied by water. Almost 65 percent of male body and 52 percent of female body is water. A slim and thin man has more water in his body compared to a fat one. 

The reason is that muscles can store more water than fat inside our body. Therefore, people who have obesity have more risks of suffering from various diseases.

Almost 2-3 cups of water is spent even through respiration every day. Sweat and urine play a vital role in the decontamination of harmful chemicals from our body. Even 10 percent reduction of water from our body may cause dehydration. Therefore, it's very necessary to drink water regularly in good amount for the good health of our kidneys as well.

 Headache, tiredness, weakness and low memory are some of the common problems which are caused by the lack of water. Drinking water shines our skin reducing wrinkles. Water is a natural nutrient according to the experts.

It is very beneficial to drink a glass of water in the morning before taking any other foods, two glass of water 30 minutes before food increases digestion power. Drinking water before going to bed for sleep and after bath reduces risk of blood pressure. It is much more beneficial for the patients of stones as well.

Different enzymes and acids are produced for the digestion of food in our stomach. Drinking water therefore is also necessary to neutralize these elements. Negligence in drinking water may invite lots of diseases including gastric, indigestion and much more.