
The feeling of jealousy in the success of other is mostly prevalent in film sector as well. One doesn't refrain from pulling the legs of an artist or director at their success. 

But, the 'Notebook' director Yogesh Ghimire is following another successful director Bikash Acharya these days. He in fact is preparing to direct a new movie 'Bhulbhulaiya'. 

The making of 'Bhulbhulaiya' has been started with the target of releasing it in the last Friday of coming Chaitra.
Bikash will accompany Ghimire from recording of the film to shooting to promotion. By the way, Bikash himself is in the preparation of 'Nai Nabhannu La-3' but not before 'Bhulbhulaiya'. 

Director Acharya looked more dominant over 'Bhulbhulaiya' director in the recording of songs composed by Basanta Sapkota. Yogesh this time is determined to establish his own brand with the making of a blockbuster. 

He has lots of faith and confidence over Acharya. Actor Jiwan Luitel and actress Nita Dhungana have already been signed for the film.