
How much can a woman give birth solely depends on the couples' will, fertility and health condition. A woman from Rajasthan India has become an example mesmerizing everyone how much one can produce if everything is favourable by giving girth to 21 healthy kids just within 25 years.

Samari lives with her husband Mangalram at a small village in the Sikar district of Rajasthan India. Mangalram is now at his 40 and Samari at just 38. The journey of bearing kids that began when Samari was 13 yrs Is still going on with 25 children already in hand.

What is the secret of being able to bear so many children in such a short time after all? Mangalram says that it's only because of her good care during and after the pregnancy. He has been feeding his more than 5 kg. of ghee, lots of chicken, rabbit and other types of meat. The big family of more than 25 has been living on anyhow let it be by guarding the fields of landlords or begging. 

They don't have any concrete house; a hut covered with tent is all what they have in the name of house. Even though they are sort of house and food their continuity of bearing children is still on with 2 children in the last 5 years which used to be yearly earlier. 

Now altogether they have 11 sons and 10 daughters. What is more interesting is that 6 of each daughters and sons are already married.