
No films of the director Bedprasad Bhrutel have come to theatres yet. But he is busy in the making of five films at a same time which include 'Kurwan', 'Sanjog', 'Bhitti', 'Shita' and 'Pheri Bhetaula'.
Ramesh Upriti and Roshan Upreti made film 'Sanjog' is coming to theatres form November 7. Sushma Karki, Sabin Shrestha and Prajwal Giri will be seen in the main roles in the film.
 Mausam Tamang has invested in Bhurtel's another movie 'Bhitti'. 

The director himself including Prajwal Giri and Sonia Sharma have acted in the movie. Another film 'Kurban' is being made by Prem Tamang and Rakesh Giri. Abhaya Chand, Prajwal Giri, Sonia Sharma, Jaina Kunbar and Rakesh Giri have the main roles in the film.

Director Bhurtel informed us about song recording of two more films in which there are Shyam Magar's 'Shita' and Khagendra Upreti's 'Pheri Bhetaula'. Dilkrishna Shrestha and Prajwal Giri have already been signed for the film 'Pheri Bhetaula'. It looks as if Sushma and Sonia are having a lottery in Bhurtel projects.
