
Actress Arunima Lamsal is busier these days in kitchen than in films after giving birth to a daughter. Now it's all up to her to satisfy her daughter's food wishes. Moreover, she is herself very fond of kitchening. Presenting Arunima's kitchen talk :

1.         The food you cook the best?
            All the varieties of meat.
2.         The dish that you don't know how to cook?
            'Sell roti'
3.         Then how do you make it at 'Tihar'?
            I hire a cook.
4.         Favorite food item?
            Meat based anything.
5.         The thing you dislike the most?
            I hate Brinjal and Bitter gourd.
6.         Any choice of best place for lunch and dinner?
            Nanglo Bakery and Maiti Ghar
7.         How much do you spend for food?
            I don't exactly divide budget for it.
8.         What about your dieting?
            Not at all, I like to enjoy any food that I desire. But I had         tried  to reduce my   weight after my pregnancy.
9.         Is dieting a wish or compulsion?
            Undoubtedly a compulsion.
10.       The thing that you don't feel fed up cooking anytime?
            Errrr.....tea, ready to make anytime.
11.       The thing you can't help watering your mouth?
            Hot Chilly and sour.
12.       Is there any time that you are scolded because of terrible taste?
            Not till the date.
13.       Is cooking your hobby or compulsion?
            It's my hobby.
14.       Any festivals you prefer the most for food?
            Dashain and Tihar.
15.       What do you think are you busy in kitchen before? or after the birth of your          daughter?
            It definitely after the birth of my daughter coz I got to fulfill her wishes too.
16.       Whose wish works the most in your kitchen?
            I enter kitchen only if it's my choice else I stay away.