
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed his best wishes for the full and speedy recovery to Prime Minister Sushil Koirala.

In his letter to Prime Minister Koirala, Modi has praised the unique relation between Nepal and India. Modi said 'Our engagement today covers the full spectrum of human endeavors and takes place seamlessly across our open borders.”

Prime Minister of India has appreciated Koirala’s presence at his swearing in his swearing ceremony
Modi has expressed his assurance for the democratic Nepal. In his letter he states,” It is, therefore, in recognition of our inter-linked destinies that India has watched with admiration and supported, whenever asked, Nepal’s extraordinary process of political change and democratic process. 

Nepal’s economic Development, too is in the fundamental interest of our two countries, Modi said 'I assure you that India will continue to provide all support to the Government and people of Nepal in their quest to build a stable, prosperous, inclusive and democratic nation.”