
It is known to everyone that Film Development Board's distribution of award in 'National Film Award' has been surrounded by lots of controversies and debates. The absence of Rekha in the function added more to the debate. Rekha is still the center of discussion till now for that reason. Rekha was in the talks after her cannabis rumor two years ago. 

Rekha-Pappu closeness got its initiation right from the rumor. Talking to our sources Rekha spoke lots of things about the function after its completion. Presenting what she said in her own words:

"First of all it should be clear to everyone that I had not included my film 'Kali' in the series of 2070 films therefore, it would be wrong to say I did not attend the award function because I may not get an award. But it is really strange that why they could not make the right evaluation. If Jivan Luitel is there in "Rhythm" how can Wilson Bikram Rai be fit for the 'National Award'?

Garima Panta who had terrible acting till now, how was she excellent just by getting an award abroad. Anyone would have been excellent just by the presence in a film like 'Jhola'. This is not the right way of doing things in a national award. 

We would also have participated if informed in the SARC Film Festival. What other films besides 'Saghuro' and 'Jhola' took part in the festival? Does anybody have the clue that stood second if Garima was first? We have been working hard in this field since long, why is our labor not being evaluated after all? "

"Everything counts in money here. It's really very shameful doing business with a thing like national award. State has no honour and respect for the real artists. It may sound bit controversial if Rekha is saying this but it is the reality indeed. It would have been fair to call somebody first and somebody second if we had also participated in the competition along with 'Saghuro' and 'Jhola'. I'm also very surprised about how 'Notebook' was a superb film."

"More, what is funny is leaving Keki Adhikari how was a new comer and a side actress like Nita was deserving winner for the award from the film 'Masan'. Rather Keki, Priyanka, or Richa would have been a better choice. What contribution after all the artists like Wilson and Nita have in Kollywood that they should get the award? Artists like Rajesh Hamal and Rekha Thapa should have been the choice of state for the award."

"The selection of jury panel itself is wrong. How can a man like Prakash Subedi, half an hour program host evaluate Rekha? How can a story writer like Dhruba Chandra Gautam evaluate my dance, acting and action?  Only the veterans like Gauri Malla and Mithila Sharma can judge me. The judges in the function were biased."
"People here are very hypocrite. Those who have hidden affairs inside don't hesitate to be unknown to each other in public. But I'm not like them, I'm very open in my nature, I speak what I see. I am a girl who is already honoured by everyone I don't have to do the flattery of anyone. The award has made it clear that who is near and dear to whom. Pappu is not my near neither ever was. 

Everybody knows Jharana won awards as an antagonist from the film 'Facebook' but now how was she awarded the best actress award from the same film? Most of the times now Jharana and Sunil Kumar are with Pappu therefore, it is not very difficult to understand what is being cooked inside."

"I already had some clues about this one year ago when I proposed the contributors like Rajesh and Rekha for the honour. I had also made them aware that I'll definitely raise my voice if there is any biasness. But I was demanded money."

"Last year's award also was interfered by the communication minister in the favor of Garima. The award has been a victim of the game of money and affairs, in the game a good thing like this may suffocate and die. 'National Film Award' is not something to be distributed by any person on institution, but who is here to contemplate over such a serious matter?"