
It's very obvious to have a bit of zeal and excitement in adulthood but one must be capable of managing those emotions and excitement in a proper way. Two of the media persons from Kantipur Television are not only trapped by the police but also had to lose their job.

The program hosts of 'Joshma Hos Gumaudako Kahani' Suraj Giri and Sahana Bajracharya are recently caught by the patrolling troop of police in car making love on the roadside at 3 a.m. police found them almost naked inside the car when they went near the car seeing it shaking in the night. 

Police did not arrest them as they introduced themselves as the journalist form Kantipur Television in the instant inquiry. 

To confirm whether they are journalist or not the police rang the news head of Kantipur TV Tirtha Koirala and Bhushan Dahal and got an information from Tirtha Koirala who is bit moody in nature that they doesn't have to do with Kantipur Television and their names are nowhere found in news departments of KTV. 'Sanghu' weekly post this news.