
Upcoming 23rd Ashoj new release 'Shisha' is in top talks these days. The film is directed by R.B.K Sharad and has the theme of 'life is like a glass'.

 Jivan Luitel, Ragini Khadki, Uma Bebi and others have acted in the film. Madhusudan Dhakal, Mahesh Dhungel, Gita Sumargi and Birat Thapa have produced the movie.

In the context of World Cup 2014 production side has recently released a football poster in which Jivan-Vaichung football battle can be seen. Indian football captain Vaichung Bhutia will be seen in a special appearance in the movie. 

Audience will definitely have a new taste as most of the scenes in the film are shot in Sikkim. Director Sharad has lots of expectations from the film.