
As we have a famous idiom 'Cut your coat according to the cloth' it doesn't take long for one to be in street though s/he is a millionaire. With the social downfall one loses his/her position in the society as well. May be due to his incapability to maintain income and expenses the ‘Melody King’ of Nepalese evergreen songs, Ramkrishna Dhakal is surrounded by lots of financial controversies. 

Once he was able to accumulate lots of name and fame only because of his sweet voice. His name and photo including his wife Neelam Shah is published three times in the papers along with the history of his 3 predecessors because of his inability to pay off the loan taken form a co-operative named Laligurans Multipurpose Co-operative at some time in the past. Consequently, the rumor about his financial weaknesses has spread with the negative public viewpoint saddening his fans.

 Dhakal has found himself in the biggest mental stress throughout his 30 years career. The series of his stress initiated right form the day he took loan form the co-operative to purchase a bungalow worth Rs. 1 Crore 80 Lakhs in Lalitpur, Saibu-8. The co-operative had provided him the loan in 18 percent interest rate five years ago. Earlier, he had purchased a home in Budhanilkantha in loan from a bank. 

And now he was in the plans to pay off the bank loan and reduce the principle of co-operative selling the home in 1 Crore 30 Lakhs. He had an oral agreement with the bank about this also. But, unfortunately, the transaction of land began fall down. As a result he neither could sell the house in the amount he wanted nor could he pay the interest of co-operative even. This started worsening his relation with the co-operative. He has paid just Rs 48 Lakhs till now.
As a financial law the interest also has been counted in the loan capital now which has even increased the load of his loan by a considerable amount. therefore, he shifted to Binayak Colony at Bhainsepati leaving the house he had mortgaged. but the co-operative has absolutely no clue about why he shifted without informing them. therefore, Bhandari (the director) accused him, “how is it possible to change his car even in 6 months if he is not capable of paying the loan?”

The bungalow has now been taken over by the co-operative with the valuation of 1 Crore 70 Lakhs which is even not enough to pay off the total loan amount. The last notice has warned to take over all the current and fixed assets of the borrower. The notice has crossed more than 3 weeks now. But Dhakal has not shown his face to the co-operative. 

Director of the co-operative said, “The fund he has taken is not from a voiceless man rather it’s the collection of 18 thousand members sweat and labour we’ll return the amount by hook or crook, we won’t let it go like this.” According to him Dhakal still has to pay 1 Crore 85 lakhs to the co-operative. “Dhakal didn’t show good intentions right from the beginning and started to run towards the power centers like the then Finance minister Baburam Bhattarai, Shankar Koirala and Barsaman Pun instead of negotiating with us. As a result, the case got rather worse.” He added. Therefore, the institute has now started the legal procedure against him. 