Everyone including superstar Rajesh hamal applauded Wilson
after he was felicitated with National award. But actress Rekha thapa urged “it
is not worth the time to be present the award to him.” She also added “he is
not the protagonist in movie ‘Rhythm’ but the other actor Jiwan luitel is.”
Everyone have their individual understanding. People who
invest don’t mean they compensate more and other deprive. I have also worked
with super star Rajesh hamal as a child artist in hit like ‘Sathi’. In Republic
Nepal everyone is free to express their opinion so; it doesn’t give me a cause
to worry.
I respect her as a senior artist in this industry so, she certainly
comprehends more than me . Praised as ‘Takme budha’ Wilson Bikram rai
expressed. He also claimed he is glad to know that Rekha thapa acknowledged