
Actress Jharana Bajracharya these days is in affair with a producer. She has been in the affair with the producer of the film 'Safe Landing' Rahul Agrawal for the last 2 years.

The news about her affair with Rahul, who was born in Malaysia though his ancestors belong to India, is just disclosed in Australia during the premiere show of the film there. Jharana reached to Malaysia all the way from Nepal and after the premiere to Australia where Rahul and Jharana stayed together.

Jharana and Rahul are now in Malaysia after a short trip to Australia. While in Australia Jharana indicated about their relation in a very roundabout way. 

It is said that their affair started with the shooting of the very film in which Rahul has invested more than 50 percent. Jharana has many times been to Malaysia since their affair.

 We can recon that Jaharana seems more serious in the affair with Rahul after her break up even after the engagement with a foreigner from the fact that she wished her affair to keep in secret with the media postponing it to be disclosed sometimes later.

Photo : onlinekhabar.com