
When the name of actress Sushma karki comes it comes not only with her name but also with her killing sexy figure. Veteran for the sexy and sizzling item dance Sushma is in gossip these days all of a sudden because of the bikini photo shoots. We tried to find out what after all is Shshma's attraction in bikini?

Why are you so attracted to bikini?
I am just fond of bikinis. Everybody wears bikinis when going for swimming then why not me?
What's the reason you wear it?
I am a fan of my figure; I wear it because it suits me.
We've heard that you get bikinis as your birthday gifts as well?
Yes you're right. Most of my friends and colleagues give me bikini as a gift. I have a collection of it at my home.
May we know how much is your collection?
I think there are more than 40; most of them are of Victoria brand.
When do you use them?
I use it especially when I go for swimming. I also like to enjoy at beach sides wearing bikinis during my programs in foreign countries.
You said that you are a fan of your figure, which one you like the most?
I think I must be my breasts. Everybody says that the solar tattoo above it has added more to its beauty.
There are the people who say that you've become more free after your break-up with Niran?
I feel like a free bird now. I can do whatever I like. That was a bitter past, I don't want to remember it.
What do you think about being topless?
I haven't thought anything about that yet.
Do you remember your first bikini walk?
It was 8 years ago, since then I have been wearing it. I am fond of bikinis.